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The Facts-
33% of high school students report using alcohol
39% of high school students report using marijuana
32% of high school students report using cigarettes 
Parenting Styles

Studies have shown that indulgent and authoritative parenting styles are the most protective against adolescent substance use. The common denominator in indulgent and authoritative parenting is warmth. It is important that adolescents feel a sense of warmth, parents can foster this by being involved in their child’s life. It is important to be responsive and listen well when interacting with your child.


Those parents who value strict control over warmth will have higher rates of adolescent substance use. Similarly, those parents who do not value control nor warmth will also have higher rates of adolescent substance use.

For more information on adolescent substance use and parent recources please follow these links
Family Management

Studies have shown that families who engage in positive family management skills, have lower adolescent substance use than those who do not.  What is positive family management?

  • Positively communicating in everyday interactions

  • Engaging in activity with your child like playing a game or other fun thing

  • Praising and recognizing your child when they do something good

  • Following through with consequences when you give them

Family Management
Family Monitoring

To prevent substance use, it is necessary that parents are aware of who their child’s friends are as well as where they are and the general kinds of activities they’re involved in until the transition to high school. After your child turns 15, a better family relationship quality is the most preventive factor. Better family relationship quality involves fostering an environment of togetherness as well as an environment of open communication. It is also important that parents and children have good conflict management skills within their relationship.


Calafat, A., García, F., Juan, M., Becoña, E., & Fernández-Hermida, J. R. (2014). Which parenting style is more protective against adolescent substance use? Evidence within the European context. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 138, 185–192.


Fleming, C. B., Mason, W. A., Thompson, R. W., Haggerty, K. P., & Gross, T. J. (2016). Child and parent report of parenting as predictors of substance use and suspensions from school. The Journal of Early Adolescence, 36(5), 625-645.


Van Ryzin, M. J., Fosco, G. M., & Dishion, T. J. (2012). Family and peer predictors of substance use from early adolescence to early adulthood: An 11-year prospective analysis. Addictive Behaviors, 37(12), 1314–1324.

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